Cloud-Beschützer Avatar
>> WE ARE...

...Cloud Guardians

As Cloud Guardians, we stand on the front line to ensure the security of your digital world. In an era where cyber threats are constantly increasing, we are the heroes providing protection from the storms of the digital age. Our mission goes beyond mere optimization and efficiency gains—we focus on defending sensitive data and systems from all types of cyber threats and building a stronghold of security around your IT infrastructure.

We face the threats of the digital age and defend your data and systems with advanced security solutions.
Maciej Glowienka - Head of Software Development
Maciej Glowienka
Head of Solution Architecture & Infrastructure
Maciej Glowienka - Head of Software Development
We face the threats of the digital age and defend your data and systems with advanced security solutions.
Maciej Glowienka
Head of Solution Architecture & Infrastructure

A Comprehensive Security Concept

Our approach to securing your cloud environment includes the implementation of proven security methods that go beyond the basic services offered by cloud providers. We provide tailored perimeter security, precise monitoring for misconfigurations, strict access controls through Identity & Access Management (IAM), and deep insights into your security posture through advanced monitoring and logging tools. By leveraging Data Loss Prevention (DLP), Azure Information Protection (AIP), and GDPR compliance adjustments, we create a security net that protects your business while ensuring compliance.

Ein Superheld mit blauem Cape, blauem Visor und Körperrüstung steht in den Wolken

Shared Responsibility, Enhanced Security

In the dynamic world of cloud technology, understanding the Shared Responsibility Model is crucial for security. Cloud providers like AWS, Azure, and GCP handle the security of the cloud infrastructure, but the responsibility for securing the data, applications, and operating systems hosted in the cloud falls to the customers. Tuleva helps you manage this responsibility with a comprehensive approach:

Securing the Perimeter

We implement proven network security methods, including firewalls and network segmentation, to ensure your cloud environment is robustly protected. Access controls are essential to ensure that only authorized users can gain access.

Monitoring for Misconfigurations

Regular reviews of your cloud configurations for misconfigurations are essential for identifying vulnerabilities. Tuleva uses automated tools to monitor and optimize your cloud settings.

Utilizing Identity & Access Management

Controlling user access is critical with IAM policies. Tuleva helps you restrict permissions to the minimum necessary to minimize the risk of unauthorized access.

Enabling Security Visibility

With monitoring and logging tools, we provide insights into your cloud environment. This allows us to respond quickly to security incidents and take proactive measures.

Regelmäßige Updates und Patches

Das regelmäßige Aktualisieren und Patchen Ihrer Cloud-Infrastruktur und Anwendungen ist entscheidend, um Schwachstellen zu beheben. Tuleva gewährleistet, dass Ihre Systeme stets auf dem neuesten Stand sind und Sicherheitspatches zeitnah angewendet werden.

Ein Schutzschild in einer Wolke

Maximum Data Security and Compliance

Secure your digital infrastructure and ensure compliance with leading technologies like IAM, DLP, AIP, and our GDPR expertise to minimize risks and build trust.

Icon für IAM

Identity & Access Management

Ensure security against unauthorized access through precise user management and access controls.

Icon für DLP

Data Loss Prevention

A strong system that prevents information from falling into the wrong hands.

Icon für AIP

Azure Information Protection

Identify vulnerabilities and effectively protect your data.

Icon für Governance


Our expertise ensures your IT landscape complies with the latest data protection regulations.


A Partnership for a Secure Digital Future

As your Cloud Guardians, Tuleva goes beyond the role of a service provider—we see ourselves as your partner in shaping a secure digital future. Our experts work closely with you to meet the specific security needs of your business and build a resilient, secure, and compliant cloud environment.

With Tuleva by your side, you can trust that your cloud infrastructure is not only protected against current threats but also flexible and robust enough to withstand future challenges. Let’s set the course together for a secure and successful digital transformation of your business.


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Hoppla! Da hat etwas nicht funktioniert...

Tuleva means Future.


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