Cartoon Charakter einer jungen blonden Frau mit Headset in gelbem Oberteil

Legal Notice

Tuleva AG
Chairman of the Board: Nino Albers
Board Members: Thorge Kollwitz, Oliver Finnern
Supervisory Board: Peer Gribbohm (Vorsitz), Mathias Wendt, Christian Behrendt

Postal Address: Arndtstraße 16, 22085 Hamburg

Commercial Register: Hamburg District Court, HRB 105165
VAT ID pursuant to § 27a of the VAT Act: DE258722803

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Tuleva AG

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Most images were created using Midjourney (>>Individual Image Credits). Additional images are licensed from Adobe Stock Images (>>Individual Image Credits).

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Hoppla! Da hat etwas nicht funktioniert...

Tuleva means Future.


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